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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

In Print !

If you are near a bookstore look on the shelf for the
Winter 2007 Somerset Studio GALLERY.

I am proud and happy to be a Spotlight artist on page 23 with my
Storybook Clock!

(click image for larger view)


  • At 7:49 PM , Blogger BellaKarma said...

    Yay! Too Cool!! That's freakin' awesome!!!
    Can't wait to hear, er, read what Anonymous has to say, er, write considering we were all there together when it was chosen, er, fought over by the editors!

  • At 12:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Congrats Jolene! That is so great; you are a renowned published artiste! I look forward to someday seeing you at future art shows sitting along side ac and other artisans autographing this and your yet-to-come other publications! Congrats again!

  • At 6:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    WOw and congratulations. You are now a NATIONALLY published artist. That rocks! SO COOL!

    happy happy dance

  • At 8:01 AM , Blogger Tammy said...

    SOCOOL!! :) That is awesome! I'm gonna run and pick up a copy so I can tell all my friends I "know" you!! :) My sister will be duly impressed - I actually bought her a subscrip to this mag for Christmas! Yay You!

  • At 8:00 PM , Blogger ~jolene said...

    Dear Anon, Gene, and Tammy - thanks so much for the kudos!

    The entire ArtBar event where my clock was selected by the editors was such a FUN afternoon and evening. Meeting "Anon" there, (a.k.a. "-j"), was one of the highlights for me :) High Five -j ...your wit has brought us many laughs since that day!

  • At 10:02 PM , Blogger BellaKarma said...


  • At 11:29 PM , Blogger ~jolene said...

    You are So funny Jill :-)~

    We are however keeping Anon's true identity Top Secret for his protection.

  • At 2:39 PM , Blogger ~jolene said...

    Tanaya! Thanks for stopping by - and thanks for the kind words!

  • At 10:14 PM , Blogger Dagny said...

    You are way too cool for words. I would do my *happy dance* but it seems that Gene has co-opted it. *pout* (Yes, I am behaving like a brat once more. Because I am exceptionally good at it.)

  • At 10:34 PM , Blogger ~jolene said...

    Dagny, I cannot imagine you being a brat! (cough, cough, ahem....) :)

    I will however imagine you doing a happy dance ALONG WITH Gene! Come on, there's plenty of room on the dance floor!

    Thank you divine Ms. D !

  • At 12:09 PM , Blogger Tammy said...

    Your art looks fantastic in the magazine! I just picked up a copy for my sister for Christmas - too bad we don't live closer - I'd have you autograph it for her! ;)

  • At 7:05 PM , Blogger ~jolene said... are toooooo funny!

  • At 5:43 PM , Blogger LadyTulip said...

    ~~ Wow!! ~~

    How Great for You!! I'm so glad you've been published for all the World to see! Here's a toast to you!!


  • At 10:31 AM , Blogger ~jolene said...

    Ha-Ha..CHEERS Lauri.
    The coolest part was watching all the editors select the art at the event I attended. They are so diligent and serious and focused.

    Thanks for stopping by to look!


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