Look What I Made! Or: How To Find All My Art Post's Without Your Head Spinning!
- A Revolution! Make Art, Not Dinner!
- Open Your Eyes!
- It Is A Small World After All!
- Memories - Do Not Discard
- Mi Casa Es Su Casa
- Talkin''Bout My Generation
- Two GrandFathers
- No Excuses, Go. Make. Art.
- Summer On My Mind
- Handbound Art Journal: A Glimpse Of Me
- Waiting For The Barefoot Days Of Summer
- Bloom!(a visual journal begins...)
- Our Lady Of The Lost & Found (pages from my Altered Book)
- Coptic Stitch Art Journal: A Little Bird Told Me
- Bawdy Ballads & Lusty Lyrics: Coptic Stitch Art Journal and You Can't Be True Dear: Coptic Stitch Sketchbook
- Coptic Stitch Art Journal: The Bobbsey Twins - Vintage Recycled Book Cover
- Coptic Stitch Sketchbook: Small Alice
- Stitch Like An Egyptian: Coptic Stitch Journals Begin...
- Pocket Size Art: Artists Trading Cards
- Tall Tales & Life Altering Experiences
- Home Is Where Your Story Begins: Once a Book, Now a Clock
It's Yesterday's News, But Still Riveting!
"- Out of PAIN, comes ART ;-)
- Some Pretty Pictures While I Am Making Art :)
- Catching Up
- Red, White & Baloney
- Let It Bee
- Daily At Your Door
- Finding Keys To My Past
- Grandma's Singer
- Quick Thoughts & Images From Today...
- Cold Remedy: Make Art!
© 2005-2008 By Jolene MariePlease do not reprint my writings or repost my original artwork without asking me for permission. Thank you!
At 8:44 AM ,
Anonymous said...
SO SO SO Pretty!!! Your excellent photography and the incredible subject matter are the perfect match!
California here I come . . . .
In my dreams, of course :-)
Merci beacoup~
At 9:56 AM ,
Dagny said...
I love the bird!
At 2:02 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Jolene, your surroundings are a work of art. The colors play so nicely against one another. Great photos; thanks for sharing.
At 3:19 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I think that lifeguard is wondering how long 'till knock-off time so they could go for a swim in that beautiful water. Actually, when can I go for a swim in that beautiful water? ;)
Lovely photography, as always, Jolene. What sort of camera do you use?
At 5:30 PM ,
~jolene said...
Cindy, thank you :) Do I know you from somewhere? Do you have a blog/website?
Dagny - the bird is my favorite as well...I took several good photos of the little birdie... :) LOVE photographing birds!
Linda, I agree - the colors were superb yesterday, great lighting and the ocean was so BLUE! Thanks!
PlumCrafty, Kate...I think you are right about the lifeguard :) My camera is a Canon PowerShot Pro 1 with 8 megapixels...I've had it about three years now...love it. They don't make them anymore - but I swear by anything made by Canon with their glass lenses. Thanks Kate!
At 8:48 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hi Jolene~
No, I don't have a website or a blog, but somehow I came across yours. :) I enjoy your photographs very much!
Keep up all your wonderful artistry! And thank you for sharing it with the world.
Wishing you a blessed day,
At 12:16 AM ,
~jolene said...
Note to ~j....I have missed you! But I had to NOT publish that 'link' because that man SCARED me...LOL!!!!!
At 12:41 AM ,
BellaKarma said...
Wait...did ~j alter a photo with you with AH-NOLD? Really Mom, he seems like a nice guy in person!
At 12:44 AM ,
~jolene said...
No Jill. It was Mr. Rodgers! Ewww....shudder.....!
At 1:09 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Oh, sorry Jolene. Here's a censored version then of "It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" photo link:
(censored link)
At 10:06 AM ,
Anonymous said...
it's friday already! missed your post for the past days :(
gazing at these pictures, nothing to say but :O
At 2:56 PM ,
BellaKarma said...
Then you should have met Mr. Rogers. Mr. Rodgers was his evil Doppelgänger!
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